Il Villino – Holiday home is an initiative of Cooperativa Nazareno Work, a Social Cooperative that operates in the area of employment placement of persons with physical or psychological disabilities. The hospitality facility is located near Casa Mantovani, a Therapeutic Community that houses persons with mental disabilities, managed by Cooperativa Nazareno, which has been operating for longer than 20 years in the field of assistance and rehabilitation in the cities of Carpi and Bologna (
Its purpose is to create employment opportunities for persons who have successfully concluded their own rehabilitation journey and, at the same time, developing a that is useful to the community in the true spirit of a social enterprise.
Another characteristic of Il Villino is the possibility it gives its guests to visit its internal artistic-artisan workshops dedicated to the production of ceramics and printed fabrics, created by the Cooperativa Sociale Arti e Mestieri.
Our guests can admire the furnishings created within the laboratories and they can purchase handmade gift items in felt, paper and fabric inside the little shop of the Banco Artigiano delle Arti e dei Mestieri circuit that is present within Il Villino.
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The Emilia Romagna region regulates HOSPITALITY ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES through REGIONAL LAW no. 16 of 28 July 2004. The law distinguishes accommodation facilities into hotel accommodation facilities, open air accommodation facilities and non-hotel accommodation facilities. Holiday homes are facilities equipped for the stay for tourist purposes of individuals or groups, organised and managed on a non-profit basis, outside normal commercial channels, by public bodies, associations or private entities operating for the achievement of social, cultural, welfare, religious or sporting purposes, as well as by bodies or companies for the stay of their employees and their families.